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  • All the forums are categorized by topics. Please post in the appropriate forum and use the template. Before posting anything in forum please read the posting RULES.
  • There will be no use of profanity / incivility on our message boards. This will not be tolerated and will punished accordingly.
  • This is a worldwide gaming platform with 'free speech' ideology. Here we meet many people from different country with different religion/reforms. Management will not responsible for people you meet here and any personal action between yours.
  • Any Discrimination/harassment in open forum/server can be reported to any staff+ member and we will take necessary actions.
  • When posting, please use proper grammar. Refrain from 'text-message' style substitutions of words like 'u' for 'you', and 'ur' for 'your'. This is a multi-national forum, and some of our non-english speaking members must use translation software which is confused by abbreviations.
  • We are a gaming community, there is no political discussions or disputes needed here.
  • There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations. This will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate suspension.
  • There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory. This includes flaming or instigating arguments.
  • Do not spam or flood the forum with useless posts / reply  just to increase the post counter and like reactions. Please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
  • Pornography, warez, or any other illegal transactions may NOT be linked in any shape or form.
  • Posts may be deleted for any reasons the forum administrators deem reasonable.
  • Advertisements, of any sort, are not permitted. Do not mention other clans here .
  • Avatars must be in good taste. This means no vulgar or violent images, pornography, or profanity. Avatars that are found to be inappropriate will be removed at the discretion of the staff.
  • Linking to hate, anti-Semitic, racist, pornography, warez, or other illegal sites is not permitted.
  • Member's display names can not be email addresses. This rule is in place to protect you from spam bots who will pick up your email address and spam you.
  • Members may have only one account on this forum. There is no need to have more than one.
  • Any impersonation of a user from these forums is strictly prohibited and will result in a banning.



Violation of any of these rules can lead to a banning of the user from FORUM. The consequences will be determined by the Staff+ on a case by case basis.

When posting you agree that the administrators and the moderators of this forum have the right to modify, delete, edit or close any topic, signature, account, or profile data at any time that they see fit. If you have any questions concerning this, please do not start a new thread, but rather private message to a moderator.

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